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Behaviour Based Safety

Statistics demonstrate that human factors and complacency are the leading causes of accidents on the railway, we have been training our Aviation personnel in human factors since 2006 with excellent results. In rail we have worked in partnership with many of our clients to train and develop the personnel we supply to understand how their unsafe behaviour on site can lead to them endangering themselves, their colleagues and the passengers and public.  Using our newsletters which are issued quarterly, we support and reward good safety behaviour and invite their interaction of our workers to be leaders of safe behaviours.  MPI has adopted ‘4 Steps to Zero Harm’ as best practice to support the Network Rail Life Saving Rules and we incorporate this into our safety tour programme and all our PPE is branded with the 4 steps.  MPI commits to spending 20% of our time out on site talking to and working with our workers and undertaking joint safety tours with our clients, this is one of our leadingsafe behaviours.