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06 September 2016 by Lydia

​Two MPI Rail Contractors have been nominated for Rail Staff Awards in the 'Outstanding Customer Service' category. 

Simon Henser, Rail Director explains:  “A group of Siemens personnel (comprising of both Siemens and MPI staff) went to carry out their normal duties at Walthamstow Central London Underground Station as part of the Victoria Line Upgrade. At the early stages of the shift the station was still open to the public and a member of the public fell down a flight of stairs and was seriously injured.

Two members of staff, Mr Wesley Bent (Supervisor) & Luke Dunbavin – (Installer) contacted the emergency services and administered first aid to the injured person until the emergency services arrived at the scene. They did this without question, acted professionally and promoted the focus on team work.'

Simon Henser and Matt Anstey (Installation Signalling Consultant) presented the MPI Safety Award to the two individuals with Siemens EHS Specialist George Gelston. As on previous occasions when MPI present the award we offer a £100.00 gift voucher or £200.00 toward the charity of their choice. Luke and Wesley chose to give £200.00 each to Simran’s Super Hero's, a fundraising page set up for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital for those receiving treatment for Leukaemia. Installation Manager Trevor Jemmett then presented the two individuals with a £25 Argos Vouchers as a thank you.

Siemens and MPI are very proud of the actions and behaviours of Luke and Wesley, they have proved to be our very own hero’s. It also serves to reminds us the importance of First Aid. It is often taken for granted as a skill you hope never to use however, if called upon it can save a life!

You have until 11th September to place your vote for Wesley and Luke on the Rail Staff Awards website.